舌喉頭偏位症と呼吸障害 -舌喉頭矯正手術のすすめ


舌喉頭偏位症と呼吸障害 -舌喉頭矯正手術のすすめ


WAARM Journal, 2020; 3: 23–30

Key words:舌喉頭偏位症、舌喉頭矯正術、睡眠障害、抗加齢



In Ankyloglossia with Deviation of the Epiglottis and Larynx (ADEL) the tongue points forward and the epiglottis and larynx have moved up and forward. As a result, the upper airway resistance is increased and respiration is inhibited. The symptoms vary; babies display sleep apnea, colic crying, pale appearance; adults display headaches, stiffness of the shoulders, lumbago, cold extremities, snoring, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue. Correction of the glosso-larynx (CGL) includes the cutting of several bundles of the genioglossus muscle (GGM). The tongue then moves backward and the epiglottis and larynx move back and downward so they are aligned with the nasal cavity.  



