森林浴の健康増進,疾病予防,抗加齢効果 ―森林医学の確立―
森林浴の健康増進,疾病予防,抗加齢効果 ―森林医学の確立―
李 卿
WAARM Journal, 2023; 5: 17–32
Key words:森林浴,森林医学,生活習慣病,NK 活性,ストレス,高血圧症,自律神経,森林セラピー
Humans have enjoyed forest environments for ages because of the quiet atmosphere, beautiful scenery, mild climate,pleasant aromas, and fresh, clean air. Researchers in Japan have tried to find a new method to reduce stress by visiting forests and have proposed a new concept called “Shinrin-Yoku or Forest Bathing”.
Shinrin in Japanese means ‘forest’, and yoku means ‘bath’. So shinrin-yoku means bathing in the forest atmosphere,or taking in the forest through our senses. This is not exercise, or hiking, or jogging. It is simply being in nature,connecting with it through our sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.
Shinrin-Yoku is like a bridge. By opening our senses, it bridges the gap between us and the natural world.
In Japan, since 2004, serial studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku on human health. We have established a new medical science called Forest Medicine. The Forest Medicine is a new interdisciplinary science, belonging to the categories of alternative medicine, environmental medicine and preventive medicine, which studies the effects of forest environments (Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku/Forest Therapy) on human health. It has been reported that Forest Bathing/Shinrin-Yoku (forest therapy) has the following beneficial effects on human health:
1. Shinrin-Yoku boosts immune function by increasing human natural killer (NK) activity, the number of NK cells, and the intracellular levels of anti-cancer proteins, suggesting a preventive effect on cancers.
2. Shinrin-Yoku reduces stress hormones, such as urinary adrenaline and noradrenaline and salivary/serum cortisol contributing to stress management.
3. Shinrin-Yoku improves sleep.
4. Shinrin-Yoku shows preventive effect on depression by improving positive feelings and serotonin in serum and reducing negative emotions.
5. Shinrin-Yoku reduces blood pressure and heart rate showing preventive effect on hypertension and heart diseases.
6. Shinrin-Yoku may apply to rehabilitation medicine.
7. Shinrin-Yoku in city parks also has benefits on human health.
8. Shinrin-Yoku has preventive effect on lifestyle related diseases by reducing stress.
9. Shinrin-Yoku shows preventive effect on COVID-19 by reducing stress and boosting immune function.
10. Phytoncides in the forests play an important role in Shinrin-Yoku.
Key words: 森林浴,森林医学,生活習慣病,NK 活性,ストレス,高血圧症,自律神経,森林セラピー
森林環境は,その静かな雰囲気,美しい景観,穏やかな気候,清浄な空気,特有な香りなどの要素で古くから人々に好まれている.「森林浴」は,1982年に林野庁によって提唱され,長野県にある赤沢自然休養林を「森林浴発祥の地」と命名された.「森林浴」は,森林散策を通して森林の持つ癒し効果を人々の健康増進・疾病予防に活用する活動であり,五感(視覚・嗅覚・聴覚・触覚・味覚)を刺激してその効果を発揮する(人の健康).森林浴を通して植林と森林保護の重要性を理解する(森の健康 ).また森林浴活動を通して地域の経済発展と森林環境保全に貢献する(地域の健康).