笠井 敬一郎
WAARM Journal, 2018; 1: 36–39
Key words: 男性型脱毛症(AGA),若返り,フィナステリド,ミノキシジル,植毛
Twenty frontal facial photos before and after treatment of 10 male pattern baldness (AGA) patients were asked by 12 female staff members to judge how old they looked at each year within 5 seconds, by filling out a questionnaire sheet (estimated age). The differences between the actual age and the estimated age was compared before and after treatment. The age was under estimated in all 10 cases (average -2.6 years old). This suggests that AGA treatment has a rejuvenating effect on appearance.
緒 論
人は年齢と共に毛量は減少し,薄毛になる 1).近 年,薄毛の外観(見た目年齢)におよぼす影響を 調べた研究も散見されるようになってきた2)が, 男性型脱毛症(以下AGA)と見た目年齢の関係を 調べた研究は,著者が渉猟しえた限りでは存在しな い.今回,我々はAGA進行度が見た目年齢に及ぼ す影響と,治療によりどれだけ変化するかを調べ, AGA治療の若返り効果を検討した.